Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A PT's Perspective: Margaret of Your Therapy Source

Kicking off our PT Month Celebration is Margaret Rice of Your Therapy Source! Margaret is president of Your Therapy Source Inc, an online resource for pediatric occupational and physical therapists (and a go-to resource for me!). She has also authored several books on sensory motor development. Read on to learn a bit more about Margaret and to hear her perspective!

My life as a physical therapist in five words:

Exciting. Active. Fun. Creative. Busy.

Four qualities every pediatric PT should have:

Creativity. Knowledge. Patience. Acceptance.

Three resources I can't live without:

The internet, my iPhone and iPad, and a giant bag to hold all of my PT stuff!

Two words (or more!) of advice for parents to develop a working relationship with their child's PT:

Communicate via phone or email. Ask any questions and please let me know what goes on at home. If you have tips or suggestions that work at home, let me know so we can carry it over or modify it at school. Parents know way more than we do about their child!

A word of advice for the parents of a child who recently started receiving PT:

Try to be involved with carryover. It can be hard to juggle every day schedules and PT suggestions. If your life is hectic (and what parent's life is not super busy?), ask for suggestions that are easy to implement into your normal routine. 

One dream for the field of physical therapy:

More data collection! We need to document that what we do makes a long term difference.

What I do to rest and relax (or in OT terms, how I maintain occupational balance):

Play games with our five children, go camping, or anything outdoors.

 Margaret, thanks so much for stopping by to share your perspective! Readers, be sure to check out Your Therapy Source and the Your Therapy Source blog for tons of information and helpful tips for pediatric therapists, including a bunch of free stuff, too! You can also stay up to date on all of the happenings at Your Therapy Source on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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